Morjenta taas pitkästä aikaa aattelin näin kokeilu mielessä kuinka luontevasti itsekseni puhuminen onnistuis näin video-päivityksellä. hiukan turhan pitkä pätkä tuli tehtyä ja tuntuu niin pöljältä kuunnella omaa puhetta.
Noh eipä siinä sitten videossa kerron kaikki mitä on näin täs paris viikossa tapahtunut.
Video is from yesterdays events, since this blogger wasn't working so :D
*In Short what i talk about was been quite busy with school and not gone anywhere much for two weeks. There's been few small Earthquakes under Chiba city and along the coast which woke me up a couple of times now. I went to kaihammakuhari to buy new electric wordtan
k for myself and got it expectionaly cheap with like 8000yen and also talk about my readers contest for finlanders. Also i won a mini boom box from those ufe-cacthers which was really handy for outside activity.
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